My Feelings Bean Bags
Touch, toss, catch, and talk about the emotions depicted on each bean bag! A variety of hands-on activities encourage social emotional learning, tactile awareness, and fine motor skills!
19581 - Set
36.30 set

Build social-emotional skills and vocabulary and stimulate the senses with emotions you can really feel! Each bean bag in this set of 10 features a printed emotion image, including happy, sad, angry, surprised, loved, scared, peaceful, excited, sleepy, and disappointed, in color and texture that corresponds uniquely to that emotion. Touch, toss, and talk about the emotion depicted on each totally tactile bean bag for a super multi-sensory emotional learning experience! My Feelings Bean Bags help with autism social-emotional learning, used in preschoolers to help identify emotions in toddlers and preschoolers, and the different fabrics on the bean bags make a great tactile sensory toy.

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